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Tee up Trouble, Coldplay


King of Sheep


Does the work itself even matter?  I leave for this three month sabbatical, and the "work" of Wefunder has barely crossed my mind, as I'm sure I have barely crossed the mind of Wefunder.  The work continues to happen.  Whether I'm in the mix or not seems so trivial.  


I think the answer is no.  The work itself ultimately doesn't matter. 


But the environment around the work does matter. 


Work is the source of some of my best relationships.

Work pays for my mortgage and cocktails. 

Work engages my brain and challenges me. 

All of those things matter. 


Work is like a very long game of Settlers of Catan. 


A strategy forward game, with luck being relevant and present -- but ultimately a game of skill.  A game that's both in my control and out of my control at the same time. 


A game that I play with my friends.  Those friends can become enemies during the game -- but with one move enemies can become allies -- its all situational.  Always evolving. 


And then the game ends and we resume being friends.  But I might have some lingering scars from battles inside the game.


Emotional when things go my way.  Emotional when they don't go my way.  Sometimes I gotta hide that emotion, sometimes I can flaunt it. 


The brain is always moving.  You must know everyones loose game plan to develop your own plan that will win you the game.  Everyone doing this in parallel. 


Who should I steal from?  Who should I trade with?  Who is my allie?  Who is my enemy?  How can I assume control of what's happening?


I want to win.  I'm competitive.  I don't like losing.  I'm always playing to win.  I care about winning. 


But sometimes I'm just stuck and can't make a move and I sit stagnant while the game happens around me.  Sometimes the rolls just don't go my way.  And other times I'm getting all the rolls, and everything is easy.  And sometimes I get fucked with an unlucky 7.  Often, all of these exist at different points in the game. 


Sometimes I've got way too many sheep.  

Sometimes one sheep is all I need to win. 


The game eventually ends, and I start it all over again.  Trying to place my first two settlements in the most advantageous spots to start each game and give myself the best chance of winning.  We all know that where you place your settlements to start the game is typically the most important move of the game. 


This game is fun.

The game is trivial. 

But the environment within the game is anything but trivial.

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